Interview with AgainstMe
Interview with AgainstMe
Young talents will transform the electronic sound
Editor USM
Mon 6 Jul 2020
Hi Constantine and welcome on USM!
Hi Michalis, thank you very much, it is a pleasure for me to be a part of the USM family.
Where are you right now and what are you cooking?
Last winter, I moved to Berlin but just before Covid-19 lockdown I returned in Athens and I’m still here. Actually, that was good because I returned to my studio and I had time to finish my first album and work on a couple of new Ep’s and collaborations.
What made you to get involved into music?
Since I was kid, I was very passionate about music, but I think it was my mother that was my first introduction into music when I was about 4-5 years old. She was playing loud music, especially dance music in the car and I was partying in the back or trying to understand what I was actually hearing. After around 4-5 years my father opened a Café-Bar which is where I met the art of dj’ing. Back then I was already searching and collecting cd’s and mp3’s through the internet or cellphone’s Bluetooth. Later, when I was in high school, I was learning to play the guitar and I was also doing mixtapes for my classmates and then I went to my first school party in a local club and the rest is history. I have to mention that MSDOS was the first man that introduced me to Ableton after a couple years.
Tell us a few words about yourself, your life routine?
Last year, I moved in Berlin with Erasmus university and my music career before that I was living in Athens. In general, I like to be always on the move and trying new things, I like to break my limits. Right now, I’m in exams mode, and I’m trying to finish my studies in Business administration and focus on my music.
Share with us some insights of your studio and what triggers your inspiration?
I love to experiment with my Moog mother-32, Korg Minilogue and my Roland TR-8, all of them apart a big part of my sound right now but I also love digital Vsts. The inspiration comes and goes, mostly I get inspired from life situations, walks in the nature and crazy nights on the dancefloor.
As an artist how you see the electronic music industry what you love and what you dislike?
As a clubber, I think that the thing that I like the most It is the energy inside clubs. People with different backgrounds are connected, no matter what you wear (or not), your gender, sexuality or nationality you are welcomed and that’s awesome. We are all equal under the sound of the beat. As an artist, electronic music is the music that expresses me the most, I find myself every time that I’m composing and that’s the thing that makes me feel free and alive. Everything has two sides the good and the bad. But in my opinion, everything is about perception. At this moment of my life consciously I’m trying to focus on the bright side in what I’m doing so I don’t want to mention anything “dark”.
Some news about your future music projects?
I just finished my first album called “Egoless” and I’m very proud of it. It’s an experiential album of my experiences last year. I can’t wait to share with you. I also finished a breakbeat/melodic Ep. With some amazing videos for the tracks called “Inequalities” 2 tracks + 2 amazing remixes from Syban and Msdos that will be hopefully out soon on vinyl via Liquid Drops.
What's your vision about the future of electronic music?
In my opinion, Electronic music was birthed as a means to break away from everything and create something new, it’s has gone against stereotypes in the past and I hope for it to keep on doing so, allowing for more people to connect with this incredible art form that creates a safe place for self and universal exploration.
What's your plans for today?
Studying and listening to music…
Share with us something positive and motivating?
Live in the present and love yourself, you are unique. All of our answers lie in nature, the mother that birthed us all. Acceptance of things as they are, you are whole, billions of years leading to this moment for you to be where you are, face your fears.
Thank you for your time and good luck! :)
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